Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Leaving Japan and returning to the UK

So where have I been? Apologies for the extreme lack of posting! I got somewhat caught up in end of year exams, then 'shit I've been in Japan for nearly a year and haven't done anything and I'm about to leave' / 'shit I'm about to leave Japan and I have a crapload of preparation to do' mode started. After I came home it was a blur of seeing family members I hadn't seen for 10 months, visiting friends and family and then heading off to Spain on a family holiday for a week. But I'm back now! I've been back in the UK for nearly 3 weeks now and I've readjusted alarmingly quickly, although some things have stuck from being in Japan - it took me about a week to get used to pounds and pence again, a bus driver asked me for 10p and I gave him a 2p coin (which look like 10 yen coins) and he looked at me like I was the dimmest person ever...

I'm going to do some posts on it but there's definitely some things I was glad to return to in the UK and some things I wasn't, the lack of politeness and efficiency compared to Japan has been getting on my nerves a bit, not that we're bad at it but Japanese standards are insane! The picture was taken by my friend who's a talented fashion photographer, check out his insta @danielhirozawa xx


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