Tuesday, 22 June 2010


You can email me about anything: sequinsandbeads@gmail.com

You can tweet me @Sequinsandbeads


About Me

Greetings! My name is Georgie, I'm 19 and I live in the English countryside in the middle of bloody nowhere. To stave off boredom induced by the most exciting thing in my village being the postbox, I blog, and have done so since July 2009.

I've just finished my A Levels and I'm now taking a gap yah, and I'm reading Japanese Studies at uni next year. I study Japanese, am a childminder, and eat a LOT of mince pies. I love True Blood, Hello Kitty, Lady Gaga, The White Stripes, Aural Vampire, IAMX, Japanese pop culture and Monty Python. If you want to know anything else my formspring is here. xx

Saturday, 19 June 2010

If only I could reboot my mechanical heart

Haha admire my pasty English legs!
Coral playsuit ♥ New Look ♥ Shrug ♥ Miss Selfridge ♥ Gladiator sandals ♥ Ebay
Tea dress ♥ Joe Brown's ♥ Knee highs ♥ Asos ♥ Flats ♥ New Look ♥ Cardi ♥ Zara
Floral shorts ♥ Boohoo ♥ Tank ♥ Unbranded ♥ Cardi ♥ Topshop ♥ Heart Locket ♥ Urban Outfitters
I had a brand new belt from boohoo as well which I wore with the shorts but on the way home from school it fell off without me noticing, and although I retraced my steps I still haven't found it, I'm such a clutz!!

I thought I should show you all what I have inside my heart locket necklace I wear in most outfit posts:

No picture of a guy haha! I was sick of friends opening up my locket and going 'you should put a picture of me in there!' so I left a friendly message for anyone who opens it.
At the moment I'm meant to be looking around universities and writing personal statements, I'm quite depressed and stressed; but I'm moving back into my house soon and getting two kittens which is something to focus on!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Recent purchases...♥

I've relapsed with my Ebay addiction and have lots of purchases to show!
Many of these items have been things I've bought to console myself after exams, I had my last exam today so now I'm free!
Girls Aloud false eyelashes, I chose the Kimberley ones because they looked the most natural. I made a point of avoiding the Cheryl Cole ones because she irritates me so much! They're impossible to put on though, so when I wear them out I'm definately going to have to get a friend to put them on for me!


Lilac, yellow & baby blue nail polish, Coconut body polish, Raspberry lip balm ♥ M&S, Green nail polish ♥ Barry M, Mac Lavender pigment ♥ Ebay ♥ Pressed Powder ♥ 17


Floral top ♥ H&M (via Ebay) Hair rollers ♥ M&S


Cream Brogues ♥ Dorothy Perkins, Studded purple lace up shoes ♥ Topshop (both from Ebay)


Grey pocket skirt ♥ American Apparel ♥ Floral shorts ♥ Boohoo


Nail file ♥ Accessorize

Outfit posts coming soon, sorry for being such a crap blogger recently.


P.S Follow using Google friend connect in the sidebar please!

PPS Don't be alarmed by some dissappearing blog posts, I'm having a blog 'tidy up'.

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