Thursday, 30 December 2010

Lets have some fun this beat is sick...

Stupid light highlighted my nose :/
Jumper ♥ Vintage ♥ Bandage skirt ♥ Topshop ♥ Shoes ♥ New Look ♥ U.O

Aquired this lovely jumper the other day, it was my Dad's but its too small for him thus free over sized jumper for me ^ ^
Did everyone have a good Christmas? I was so happy to be back at home this year, and had a big family Christmas, played a lot of guitar hero, ate too many roast potatoes - a good Christmas!

The table for Christmas lunch (with the rather snazzy place settings I did for everyone)
This is what I got in my stocking this year:

The socks and handwarmers are going to be hella useful when it starts getting colder again in Jan/Feb.

And these are the other pressies I received:
The boots were my present from parents, which I had in a wish list a few posts back, I'm so pleased with them! Now I have them I'm lusting after the black version too so when I next pass a Zara I may give in and get them. Oh and the title of the post is Gaga of course, my brother bought me her remixes CD so thats all I've been listening to since Christmas day! I also received an amazon voucher so I bought the True Blood book set, can't wait for that to arrive so I can get my Eric Northman fix!!
Also I have linked to my youtube channel in the 'contact' page at the top, I'm not brave enough to vlog yet but I do regularly post Para Para dance covers like a lot of other Japanophiles on youtube if you want to have a look at those! ^ ^


Saturday, 25 December 2010

✰ Merry Christmas! / Meri Kurisumasu! ✰

Merry Christmas guys!

My kitten Zaza out in the snow

I think I may have mentioned before that I like to learn Para Para dances (click here if you have no idea what Para Para is), so my Christmas present to you all is my cover of Caramelldansen (not to be taken too seriously), enjoy!

Have a happy new year!


Thursday, 23 December 2010

Somebody mixed my medicine

My parents had a Christmas drinks party last night and so I was the dutiful daughter and handed around cheesy nibbles, smiled a lot and told people what Unis I had applied to etc. I dressed up a bit, and since I realised I haven't done an outfit post in yonks for guys this is what I wore.

Took outfit photos before and after doing my hair,can't decide whether I prefer my hair straightened or curly!
Dress ♥ Zara ♥ Heels ♥ New Look ♥ Cross ring ♥ Asos ♥ Cross earrings ♥ New Look ♥ Rosary ♥ Ebay

My Granny dissapproved of my gothic Jewellery because she thinks wearing crosses for fashion is slightly blasphemous (even though I am technically Christian as I am confirmed into the Church of England, these days I consider myself an agnostic theist), and I know a lot of bloggers have the Asos cross ring, do you think its blasphemous or inappropriate to wear religious symbols (crosses especially) for fashion whether you are or aren't religious?



Sunday, 19 December 2010

Christmas Wishlist ★

Hello Kitty Headphones ♥ HMV ♥ Telephone t-shrirt ♥ Gaga's webstore ♥ Ring ♥ Asos ♥ Polishes ♥ Eyeko ♥ Gothic Lolita Dress ♥ Bodyline ♥ Lipgloss ♥ Mac Lady Gaga Viva Glam ♥ Camera ♥ Amazon ♥ Lace up boots ♥ Zara ♥ Ring ♥ Asos ♥ Belt ♥ Asos

My ultimate Christmas wishlist! I'm snowed in currently but as soon as I can get to my nearest Boots I'm getting some bleach and giving myself ombre hair, look foward to a post on that!


Thursday, 16 December 2010

Room tour ★

I've promised to show you guys my room several times since I moved back home, and finally here it is!

I had a house fire last December 21st (nearly a year since) so to due the smoke damage I had to have my room repainted, new curtains and some new furniture. I wrote about it when it happened and never thanked you guys for the sweet comments people left which cheered me up when I was feeling so awful, so thank you! :3

I've broken up for Christmas hols now so I'll have more time to post , hope you like the new layout too and please check out the 'about' and 'contact' pages I've added at the top too. ♥



Sunday, 5 December 2010

Recent gets ✰

I blew quite a bit of money recently and here is some of the stuff I bought, from now on I'm on a shopping ban! You may recognise some of the things I bought from my wishlist a few posts ago, which caused me to hammer my poor bank account :/
The satchel I posted about before sadly is not big enough to fit A4 in so I can't take it to school but it is still very cute! I also bought a peacock feather hairband from New Look but the feather sticks out about a metre from the band so I think it will only be suitable for flapper themed parties!

My Asos order also arrived and I know have my first snood and also some teal and damson tights.

I also used up some Boots vouchers and got myself two Autumnal coloured nail polishes, can you tell I like teal yet?!
I already have a pair of cream patent brogues but I bought these brown ones on Ebay and they are brilliant, they go with everything!

My younger brother went to Barcelona recently and found a Hello Kitty shop and bought me these, they are so kawaii and warm!
Talking of Hello Kitty my Mum forgot to buy us advent calendars this year so she got me this instead...

My family know me so well! I read a lot of gyaru blogs (even though I'm not gyaru) and I read about characters like Rillakuma being favourites but Hello Kitty is still my fav, my 3 year old cousin and I have so much in common XD

Please follow my blog if you want to, I've gained a few more followers recently and it makes me happy to see people actually want to read my ramblings!



Monday, 29 November 2010

Gothic Jewellery †

Sorry I haven't been posting properly as usual, quality not quantity eh?! It is SO cold at the moment. I heard yesterday this is the coldest November in England for 25 years, and it wouldn't surprise me if thats true! Anyone who I see out in a skirt at the moment I'm presuming is mental or doesn't mind that unpleasant numbing sensation of the outfits are not very interesting at the moment but I will attempt an outfit post at some point. I've been loving gothic jewellery at the moment and I thought I would share some of my purchases with you.

Firstly I bought the Asos cross ring that bloggers have been raving about, and I quite like it but to be honest I'm not really a ring person; it irritates me to have to take them off when I wash my hands. And, as many of my friends can vouch for all the fat in my body seems to go to the base of my fingers so it is a nightmare trying to find rings that fit me! I'm somewhere between a medium and large in ring sizes it seems, I bought this in Medium but it only fits my pinky and ring finger :(

Ring † Asos † Earrings † New Look

I'm technically on a spending ban since the beginning of this month but I had been wanting a rosary type necklace and bought one of these knotted thread rosary necklaces as I saw them recommended on LLYMLRS (I wanted to buy one in red too but I think since she recommended them they sold out, crazy!).

Rosary necklace † Ebay

Also several  great giveaways to enter people:

Thanks for reading guys, will post on Friday (hopefully)!



Saturday, 20 November 2010

Friday Summary 05

There is no point posting what I wear each day of the week, unless you guys want to see my collection of hoodies?! At the moment it is so cold and especially as I leave home at 6.35am the weather is at it's most bitter, and basically suicide to wear anything other than jeans! I do have a tendency to exaggerate but no joke it felt like the cold was burning my face the other day, oh and Wednesday the sole of my foot went numb from the cold which was strange. And not to mention if I don't wear gloves a finger or two will go numb for a few hours. Bloody English weather. The best I can do is stock up on some thick tights but to be honest I prefer life to outfit diversity!

Maroon Jumper - Zara - Boots - New Look - Beanie - Accessorize
Dress - vintage - Brogues - Ebay - Snood - Asos - Mini Dress - Ebay - Heeled boots - New Look

The second picture was taken ages ago when my Mum found one of Gran's 80s ball dresses. It is too big for me sadly but still amazing, huge puffy sleeves, shoulder pads, about a ton of magenta netting underneath and the material is sort of metallic and shimmers pink/purple/dark green in the light!

I've only been doing my nails recently in dark colours like black cherry, teal, grey or black, somehow I don't feel like baby pink nails with rhinestones and flowers drawn on when its cold and wintry :3
Lastly guess where I found my kittens sleeping?
Sitting in a tub of dried bean pods...! Don't worry they have nice cosy baskets but for some reason crunchy dried pods are what they like (don't ask why there is a whole containerful of dried beans in my house, I don't know either).

I'm off to play System of a Down and Tokio Hotel songs on guitar hero now, see you guys!



Monday, 15 November 2010

Style Crush ♥ Marina and the Diamonds

Marina and the Diamonds is the stage name of Marina Diamandis, a Welsh-Greek singer-songwriter. Her style is very influenced by pop art and is generally quirky and awesome.

(screenshot from 'Oh no!')
(Screenshot from 'I am not a robot')
(Screenshot from 'I am not a robot')

Also check out her heavily pop art influenced video for her single ‘Oh no!’ below, I love the dollar bill dress and the pastel latex dresses (although I’m not thinking of wearing latex any time soon!)

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