Monday, 25 July 2011

Blogging is depressing

I had completely forgotten to keep track of the date, but my blog is now 2 years old as of Saturday! Unfortunately this is not going to be much of a celebratory post as of a bit of a downer one. I've been considering quitting blogging a lot lately, for the fact is it feels like no one is reading. I've been blogging for 2 years and I've gained 45 followers in that time. I appreciate everyone one of you but I can't help but look at other girl's blogs and think, 'she's been blogging for a few months now and has a gazillion followers, it feels like I've been blogging for forever and I have nothing compared to her. *scrolls down* she gets a million comments a post, why do I only get a few if I'm lucky?  Are my posts boring? Am I boring? Is there something wrong with my layout? Am I not commenting on other blogs enough? Surely I should have a more popular blog after two years?

Then I spend ages putting an outfit post together and standing awkwardly in front of my cameras self timer to find my outfit looks crap, source inspiration for outfits on Lookbook and find myself feeling completely inadequate to all the skinny, doe eyed, pouting girls on there.

However as much as sometimes want to quit blogging I won't, or at least I'd never delete my blog. My blog feels like an extension of my diary, I've written since I took my GCSE's, through when I had a house fire. I've learnt a whole load about fashion, if I hadn't started blogging I wouldn't be able to recognise who designed a collection instantly when reading a magazine, or pick up a top in a high street shop and think 'oh that's a rip off the Miu Miu swallow print'. 

I certainly wouldn't have known as much about or be as fascinated as I am now by Japanese fashions and culture. Another positive point of blogging being that you are connected with bloggers throughout the world, who have different styles that can influence your own and completely open up your mind. Also blogging is a addictive, I feel a need to share things that happen, things I buy, things I like on here.

I think I better open up a 'rant' label to put this under haha! Sorry to be depressing, do any other bloggers feel like this?


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

When you came in, the air went out

Listening to...Jace Everett - Bad Things (theme from True Blood)
Shorts - Ebay - Cardi - Mum's - T-shirt - HBO Webstore - Studded Belt - ASOS - Necklace - Accessorize - Skull Hair bow - Topshop

Wore this hanging out with my best friend, went to some museums in town to stalk the Roman sections as my pal has an frankly freaky obsession with the emperors Caligula and Nero. Went to see the hangover 2 which was   funny, but basically the first one but in a different country. Also this is the first time I've worn this t-shirt out as the tag line 'it hurts so good' is a bit awkward to be walking around wearing, my Dad asked me what that was so supposed to mean once and I muttered something along the lines of vampires and so forth rather having to explain fangbangers! Is anyone who reads also a True Blood fan? 


Friday, 15 July 2011

First time using false nails!

I put up a pic of the falsies I made last post, and I actually put some on for the first time today, and I have to say I love them!

The little finger nails are a little too long (I had to spent a long time cutting down and filing each nail to shape as they were so long) but for my first go at false nails I made myself I don't think its too bad! The glue has stayed pretty strong too considering the fact it came free with some cheapo nails off Ebay. I'd really recommend this to anyone who loves nail art but gets pissed off at your nails chipping after you spent hours labouring over a design. I've found a tutorial on youtube for taking off false nails that doesn't involve using nail polish remover as obvs doing that would take the nail polish off your falsies if you've painted them:


Wednesday, 13 July 2011

House of Jealous Lovers

Listening to...House of Jealous Lovers by The Rapture (the same guys who do the Misfits theme tune)

I went out the other night with friends to a Japanese themed club thinking I was going to be in my element etc but unfortunately as Japanese as it got was these pictures on the doors to the loos, Renji from Bleach on the Gents' and this character on the Ladies' door who I originally thought was Moka from Rosario+Vampire but I don't think it is...anyone know what manga/anime she's from? Her hair is pink, and she is wearing a dark green school uniform.
Left: Topshop Bodycon skirt w/ purple Topshop tank top. Right: Crochet top from charity shop, Jeggings from Topshop and Brogues from Ebay

Finally have started taking the advice of bloggers who rave about charity shops and they're so much fun! Picked up the crochet top (was also very tempted to come to fisticuffs to procure a sheer blouse that a middle aged woman had just picked up) and this oversized denim jacket below.

Spent ages making false nails after reading Gem's post, they look so much better than nail polish on your actual nails! The only thing I'm worried about it actually removing the false nail, as surely the nail remover will take some of the nail varnish off the nail? 
Oh and a quick snap of Mussy and her babies. I thought this illustrated quite how big she is/small the piglets are!

I'm going to London tomorrow for a family event I don't particularly want to attend and the 'big smoke' is not really my scene either, too big and scary and being a country girl if I don't see a field or a pheasant every 15 minutes I'm bound to get twitchy, so will try and blog when I get back.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Lady Gaga DIY T-shirt ♥

Got bored yesterday so turned an old white t-shirt with unflattering poofy sleeves from this...

To this...
The neckline is pissing me off a little but apart from that I'm quite pleased with my efforts!
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