Sunday, 17 February 2013

3's and 7's

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Choker - Ebay - Jumper - Cow Vintage - Skirt - Zara
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so moody..
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Sorry for lack of posting! I've got some virus/bug thing which was about as fun as sticking your head in a bucket of slugs, just wanted to be back at home with Mum looking after me! Plus missed two days of uni which is a nightmare as with Japanese if I miss any I fall behind so quickly...anyhoo feeling better now! Took these pics a while ago, since then my hair faded to a very seafoam-pastel green colour and I redyed it a different blue. It's so bright now! Still not used to people staring at me because of my hair, anyone else with bright hair find this?! xx

Thursday, 7 February 2013


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Top - Primark - Leggings - Topshop - Boots - Office
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Hi guys! On a roll with these outfit posts. This is what I wore on Wednesday. Was in uni from 9-5 which was exhausting, but I did get to take part in a two hour calligraphy (書道) class which was fun but it is SO difficult! Above is my best kanji from the session (except flipped cos of the webcam), which means love. Going to a rock/metal club that I love tomorrow so I will take OOTN photos then...means an opportunity to crack out my spiked Jeffreys! xx

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Into the Hollow

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Blouse - New Look (Spikes DIY) - Dress - Topshop - Earrings - Vintage Fair
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Some recent Toppyshoppy purchases
 photo 003-13_zpsa09c2907.pngI'm obsessed with Queens of the Stone Age at the moment, hence the title. Anyone else find Josh Homme incredibly attractive? Will try and snap more outfits before I leave for uni when I look a bit more perky, instead of after battling snow/sleet/rain on the way home after 4 hours on the trot! The top layer of my hair has gone sort of sea foam green and refuses to take any blue dye so it looks like I'm stuck bluey/green. Not complaining mind. Off to do a feckload of homework. Moar soon. xx
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