Monday, 27 May 2013

Nailed It | Models Own Strawberry Tart Scented Polish ♥

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First of all - do not make the mistake I make with EVERY scented polish and open the bottle and have a smell as you will probably keel over from the fumes. This polish (and the others) only smells once dry, and has a really subtle strawberry milkshake kinda scent.

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I picked this up going into Boots looking specifically for a milky pink colour as my beloved Jessica one had run out. I actually went straight to the Barry M section and ALL the polishes there had been removed with a giant sign saying there was a problem with the stock - and I just found THIS thread on Mumsnet. Seems they're having a problem with bottles being overfilled and cracking :S

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I'm quite tempted to buy some more of these Models Own ones, the packaging is really cute and they seem quite chip resistant. Do you guys have any scented polishes? xx

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Manchester Vintage Kilo Sale Event + Street Style

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Today I had my first sort of blogging event, the Manchester Vintage Kilo Sale! Bloggers were allowed in an hour before the sale was open to the public and were kindly given free entry and a kilo of clothing which was really generous of the organizers ^^

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The kilo sale was very different to the vintage fair I went to back in november (click!), it was definitely very hands on rummaging for bargains but uber satisfying when you found something good.

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My 'challenge' for the event was to take some 'street style' esque snaps of people at the event. This was nearly impossible towards the end as the sale was so packed!

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Left: Andra (Click!) and Right: Emma of Purpleee Rose (Click!)

I met some lovely bloggers, please check out their blogs!

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Right: Ijeoma of The October Girl (Click!)

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I found some things I'm really happy with including a baseball style top like THIS Asos one, but with teal sleeves and an Old Navy fitted denim jacket.

I really enjoyed the event and it was made even better by the fact Manchester was weirdly sunny! Emma of Purpleee Rose also has a post on her blog of the event, so take a look! Sorry this post was so picture heavy, moar posts soon xx

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Festival wishlist | Cute sunglasses ♥

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1 ♥ 2 ♥ 3  4 ♥ 5

I'm going to Parklife this year and have been thinking about outfits already. I definitely plan to go all out festival fashion-y with floral crowns, high waisted shorts, crop tops and wellies. Make up wise possibly bindis and if not definitely randomly allocated facial rhinestones. I've never really been one for 'serious' sunnies, and I bought a pair of white heart shaped ones last year which cutesy up any outfit up; and the highstreet seem to be selling a ream of cute ones this year too. The heart shaped ones are only 99p including postage which is ridic, heads up if you want a pair! xx

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Favourite face + beauty products for oily skin ✰

I often find there doesn't seem to be a huge focus on face products for oily skin, while there is definitely a big focus on dry and sensitive skin. I used to pick up any old skin care (I'm especially a sucker for anything that has cute packaging/is cheap). However over the last couple of months I've been using the Body Shop's seaweed skincare range which is for combination/oily skin. The toner is especially good, I've been fooled into using too-strong toners; but even though my skin is oily it was still too sensitive to some and using a strong toner caused me to break out. Since using this range my skin has been a lot better, I know everyone's skin is different but if you have oily skin consider giving the Body Shop's range a try - at least you know there's no chemical nasties in it ^^

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In terms of beauty products, these are two I reach for ahead of long days and nights out: MAC Matte (which is weirdly difficult to find in store), and ELF's High Definition Powder. I tend to never go for a 'dewy sheen fawn prancing through the meadows' make up look as my skin is oily, and these two really help your skin and foundation stay matte. MAC Matte is applied under the foundation to oil-prone areas and helps everything stay matte and prevent oily patches. ELF's high definition powder is also really good stuff, although slightly pricey for ELF (and described as to be used for being on camera? err). It needs to be blended in well however as it is a very fine white powder, unless of course you are going for casper-chic.

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Do you have any recommendations for good make up/skincare for oily skin? Let me know in the comments! xx


Friday, 17 May 2013

The perfect messy bun using a hair doughnut + pearls ♥

I bought my hair doughnut on a whim in Primark a while ago but have never really used it, I'm not a fan of the way they are worn smack bang on top of the head like a beacon and freakily perfect with no stray hairs. I found THIS post the other day on M loves M which made me dig my doughnut out. Not only does rolling your hair up in a bun this way stay in place by itself (meaning less kirby grips) it also gives it a relaxed, messy bun effect which is gorgeous.

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All you need is a hair doughnut (mine is £1 from Primark) or an old sock (see Mara's tutorial I linked above), and I chose to add these little twist in pearls I got from Claire's for £5 to cute-ify this look a bit. These pearls completely remind of those portraits of Elizabeth 1st with pearls in her hair, deffs a hair icon.

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Are you a fan of hair doughnuts or just find them too much hassle? xx

Friday, 10 May 2013

Beauty/Accessories haul, plus the best body shop experience EVER

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Was bad and did some shopping the other day, partly justified by the fact my flatmates gave me a belated bday present of a Topshop giftcard so of course it had to be spent ^ ^ I also had the best experience in the Body Shop, I bought my skincare which was £25, to find it was the last day of them giving their loyalty cards for free (normally £5). So I signed up for a free loyalty card which saved me £2.50, and the fact I spent over £20 meant I got a free Body Butter worth £12. Ended up just spending £22.50 and getting £17.50 worth of free stuff! The sales assistant was so nice, I've applied to a job there and Claire's so let's hope someone gets back to me...Also have an end of year ball which my dress arrived for (£13 off ebay, score) and just picked out some simple black heels from H&M for £15. I figured my hair is already pretty bright so I'm just keeping my outfit simple with all black and silver accessories (see the pegasus necklace). xx

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Nailed it | Topshop nails in Devour and Models Own Boogie Nights

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Polishes Used: Topshop nails in devour and Models Own boogie nights
I loved this combination, all the different purples/magentas looked gorgeous in the light. The only problem with the Models Own polishes with the bigger pieces of glitter is that because they layer over on another they stick out a bit, which makes me reeeally want to pull pieces of glitter off for some reason. Other than that love them. You can also use several coats of Boogie Nights on it's own to build up a solid glitter look which makes your nails look gem encrusted. xx

Monday, 6 May 2013

Head over heels

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Top - Charity Shop - Pinafore - Primark - Earrings - Primark
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Nails - Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine in Dragon, Barry M Nail Paint in Spring Green, NYC Colour in Lexington Yellow

Hey guys! Becoming slowly obsessed with pinafore dresses, I desperately want a denim one too and I think I may have found the perfect one in River Island HERE. I did receive a Topshop one for my birthday but it had a weird fit and was ridiculously short. Someone buy me the RI one please? I'm also literally just about to start my summer exams, and it's just started to get sunny but I'm stuck inside blogging and watching supernatural revising. So annoying! Anyway as soon as I finish I'm going to Parklife (my first 'festival' eee) which I'm pretty excited about, as my new girl crush Iggy Azalea is performing (hence the post title). Thought it was Azealia Banks first but I love them both! xx

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Uni Recipe | Simple Chicken Ramen

I adapted this from THIS Wagamama recipe. I had always been told Wagamama (わがまま) means arrogant in Japanese but it actually means indulgence or self-indulgence (Japanese student fail), makes sense!

I cook this a lot at uni because it is cheap, yummy and easy to make. I've recently switched to quorn because I'm trying to be healthier and it is much cheaper than buying meat, but it tastes better with real chicken. Obvs.
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Writing this post has made me soo hungry! Hope you guys enjoyed this post, do you have any quick but delicious meals you cook a lot? xx

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Nailed It | Barry M Nail Art Pen and Gelly Nail Paint in Blueberry

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I absolutely love Barry M's Gelly nail paints, I wore this blue for 3 days with no chipping before applying the daisy pattern over the top and the colour is soo glossy. I also bought one of their new nail art pens when I bought the Gelly nail paint, and I'm really impressed with it. 

It works more like a pen than the other nail art pens on the market, you pump it to get the colour flowing rather than squeeze as you would with the others. I found it a lot easier to make smaller marks and precise lines without getting a sudden blob in the middle of my nail art. Have you tried the Barry M gelly nail paints or the nail art pens? What did you think? xx
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