Monday, 27 May 2013

Nailed It | Models Own Strawberry Tart Scented Polish ♥

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First of all - do not make the mistake I make with EVERY scented polish and open the bottle and have a smell as you will probably keel over from the fumes. This polish (and the others) only smells once dry, and has a really subtle strawberry milkshake kinda scent.

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I picked this up going into Boots looking specifically for a milky pink colour as my beloved Jessica one had run out. I actually went straight to the Barry M section and ALL the polishes there had been removed with a giant sign saying there was a problem with the stock - and I just found THIS thread on Mumsnet. Seems they're having a problem with bottles being overfilled and cracking :S

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I'm quite tempted to buy some more of these Models Own ones, the packaging is really cute and they seem quite chip resistant. Do you guys have any scented polishes? xx

1 comment

Batty said...

Strawberry milkshake scent?! Want!!! :D

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