Wednesday, 29 August 2012

FOTD #8 Going out

Face - Murad primer, Benefit's the Porefessional, Bobbi Brown colour corrector, Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse, ELF High Definition Powder, HD Brows palette, Collection 2000 clear mascara
Eyes - Urban Decay primer potion, Accessorize 'With Love' eyeshadow palette, Stila smudgestick eyeliner in stingray,  MAC Liquidlast Eyeliner, Max Factor Masterpiece waterproof mascara, L'oreal Million Lash mascara, Ebay false eyelashes cut in two to make demi lashes
Lips - A slick of Vaseline maybe?

Snapped these quickly as I was about to go out for my friend's birthday. I look a bit distracted/derpy because my friend was just to the left of me doing her make up so I was talking to her XD I wore my new Romwe galaxy dress (which I will do an outfit post on soon!) and my spiked Litas. I had to redye my hair that morning because all the pink ran out in the first wash and went a grey toned pastel/peach pink. I love the colour though so don't want to go back to tulip pink which lasts longer! I have to say the more I use ELF's high definition powder the more impressed I am with it. I always take a powder compact out with me because (especially when I dance) I tend to get shiny nose quickly. I applied the high def powder before I went out then only had to touch up once - it's just a shame that the ELF powder is in such a massive pot you can barely fit it in a make up bag, they need to make a travel version!

Also the other day I came across this article on Lacey Jones the Poker Barbie. Normally not something I'd be interested in, but it's refreshing that she is so high ranked in a male dominated game, in contrast to how she might be stereotyped and viewed in regard of the fact she's also a glamour model. Impressive! xx

Monday, 27 August 2012

Wishlist | Sweaters!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

I'm slightly obsessed with sweatshirts at the moment. They're so easy to style and especially with A/W around the corner (which face it could be any second due to the unpredictability of English weather) I will be stocking up on them! The galaxy one above was linked to me by Cath, and I need it badly for my galaxy collection - there's only size 16's left so I will be stalking the RI site til they get my size back in stock. Also I love the Gaga sweater, it's part of her BTWB merch and I'm seeing her on the 8th at Twickenham so will hopefully be able to get it then! It really reminds me of the Sexy Sweaters tumblr, a must to follow if your tumble (?). xx

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Set the cheetahs on the loose

Blouse - New Look - Choker - Ebay - Earrings - Ebay - Skirt - New Look - Flats - Topshop
My new 90s tattoo choker thingy
Hi guys, apologise for the shoddy lighting/cluttered background in this. My blogging productiveness tends to come around 11pm when there's no natural lighting (obvs) so have to result to camera flash and bedroom lights.

The title is from Pyramids by Frank Ocean, absolutely obsessed with that song. Tried listening to the rest of his album but only Pyramids I really liked, do you guys have any suggestions of his stuff to listen to?
It's only 3 weeks...wait no 20 days til I leave for university. Thanks to the marvel that is facebook I've already found 3 flatmates and some people on my course so I'm feeling less scared now I know sort of who I'll be living with. I'm feeling more excitement more than nerves at the minute. I've mentioned before that I live in the middle of nowhere (really, not exaggerating), so it's going to be a massive surge of independence being able to walk out of my accommodation and just catch a bus or go to the shops without driving for 20 minutes! Also as a country girl the absence of chickens/pigs/the smell of manure/tractors/SILENCE will be weird. You'll know I've cracked under the strains of living in the big smoke and am pining for the fyords countryside if my blog posts become solely consisting of pictures of livestock.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Mallorca pt 2 - Outfit pictures

I forgot to pop these in my post on Mallorca, and they probs look better in their own post anyways XD I forgot to take a lot of outfit pics, but here are some I did manage to get friends to snap for me.
Left: Dress - Motel - Wedges - New Look - Bag - Primark | Right: Top - Primark - Shorts - New Look - Sandals - Ebay - Earrings - Republic
Left - Sunglasses - Ebay - Bikini (underneath) - ASOS - Playsuit - River Island - Flip flops - Primark
Right - Hairpiece - Forever 21 - Earrings - Gift - Playsuit - Miss selfridge - Belt - Friend's
Top - New Look - Skirt - Ebay (and right is a cocktail filler picture as I don't like portrait images on my blog XD)

You can kind of see my horrifically burnt chest/boobs in some of these pictures. Was so painful! I try to be careful with the suncream but I think I just have the chronic trait that seems to come with being English, in that I will burn regardless. You can always tell who is English on holiday by how burnt they are! xx

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

5 awesome blogs | August

I thought I should do this to spread some blog love - I definitely spend more time reading others blogs than I do focusing on my own, and sometimes I find some really great blogs that should be shared more than me sticking them in my 'fav blogs' list. So here are my favourites to share with you this month!


Emmie over at Galaxy Girl has really cool half pink/half brunette hair (you're gonna see a pattern in this post in that all the bloggers have awesome hair). Her blog has massive focus on Japanese/London street style, and Kpop and things - generally the shiz I spend most of my time on the internets looking at. Also in contrast to the fashion blogger 'I take myself too seriously srs face' there is plenty of derping which is always good to find in a blog imo.



The first thing about this blog is that the layout is PERFECT. I'm weirdly obsessive over getting my blog layout perfect and Heather's blog has an amazing template and cute graphics. She also has awesome phoenix  hair and incred nail art skillz. Her blog is THE place for really easy and well explained DIY tutorials, and she also a fun youtuber to subscribe to.



This is such a pretty blog to look through. Charlotte does themed photo shoots for all her outfit posts with gorgeous photography. Her style and concepts have an adorable fairytale, vintage, girly vibe with a lot of Meadham Kirchhoff inspired shoots. Read for pastel goodness!



Another blogger with really fab hair! Hermione over at Lilla Rosa has really cute style, that kind of perfect mix of pastels and pink made effortlessly edgy (I hate that word) with skulls, spikes and studs. She also does some great thrifting haul posts which are amazing if you are like me and always nosey to see what people pick up!


I only came across Cath's blog recently but it's such a good read! It's one of those really great all rounder blogs with a mix of outfit, beauty posts and trend analysis. Her instagram posts are also always full of pretty pictures, so Square Marshmallow is definitely worth a read. Not to mention her blog name and mascot are too cute!

Clickety click the blog headers to check out the blogs! xx

Monday, 20 August 2012

Mallorca 2K12

I realised I have a lot of travel/holiday photos to share with you guys that I've forgotten about, all the way back to when I went to Paris in January! So I thought I'd start recently and work back. These photos are from when I went to Mallorca (not shagaluf though) at the beginning of July. There's quite a few pics so I've put in a break so my computer (and yours) doesn't explode.
I painted these falsies especially for the holiday and put them on while we were waiting for our boarding to start, got a few odd looks doing so.
Luton airport has a Krispe Kreme right by departures which is convenient, think this is Millionaire's something or other doughnut? So good.


Saturday, 18 August 2012

FOTD #7 Pink and green dip dye!

Face - Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse, ELF High Definition Powder Eyes - Stila Smudge stick liner in stingray, Eyelure double lashes, HD Brow palette Lips - Revlon Just Bitten Lipstain
PhotobucketThe great thing about dip dye is that when you put your hair up you get an interesting 'cocktiel' effect! My friend calls it my plumage when I clip my hair up haha Photobucket
Sorry for the lack of posts guys! I meant to actually do some outfit posts and publish them while I was in France but it was literally too hot to wear clothes let alone put make up on and edit photos so it never happened sadly. I'm back now though so back to regular posting :)

I kept my hair bog standard ombre while on holiday because I didn't want the colour on my ends running when I swam, and the first thing I did when I got home was dye my hair! The colours are apple green and carnation pink by La Riche. I was worried the green was going to be more of a foresty green but it is REALLY bright. Like hulk green/toxic waste green. I'm not sure if I like the double dip dye as it's less of a graduation, it may grow on me but I may just do whole strands of each colour next time I dye.

How insane are the falsies I'm wearing btw? I won them in an Eyelure twitter competition and this is the first time I've put them on and they are SO heavy. They also partially block your vision so it took me numerous attempts to get any photos when I wasn't derping like a loon. They're apparently part of Eyelure's Naturalites collection - errr natural my arse! xx

Monday, 13 August 2012

Wishlist: Romwe Black Milk dupes


Recently I went on Romwe for the first time after seeing it all over fashion blogs, and I can't believe I didn't visit the site sooner, they have some amazing stuff! One of the main things that caught my eye was these fantastic body con dresses in amazing prints, which are blatantly copies of the Black Milk dresses (which are about £65). These Romwe ones are around the £30 mark - not bad. I've ordered the navy blue galaxy one, and I got a 20% off coupon for registering, if the dress is a good fit I may have to get another. The prints are gorge! Do you own any Black Milk clothing/BM dupes? xx

Saturday, 11 August 2012


Recently I've picked up these two grapefruit scented products. It's not a smell I'd normally go for as I hate grapefruit itself with a passion, but the smell of grapefruit is lovely! Do you guys have a scent you go for when you buy products? xx

Thursday, 9 August 2012

She's got freedom in the 21st century

The other day I had the house to myself so I could wander round and take outfit posts with my new sexual tripod, without parents and siblings going 'what are you doing?'. I decided to take some Cindy Sherman esque photos and dress up, inspired by Jack White's new video for 'Freedom at 21'. I may have mentioned before that I am a massive Jack White fan, this video is quite sexy compared to his normal stuff but it's beautifully shot. 

Leather Jacket - Topshop - Top - Topshop - Shorts - River Island - Gloves - Ebay - Boots - Jeffrey Campbell
Check out those knuckle dusters
Lovely plumage and eye make up here, must look up who styled the video.
How I look when I drive
Aaaand Josh Homme from Queens of Stone Age makes a cameo at the end, didn't recognise him at first.

Going from the colour scheme of red, white and black with the White Stripes, his current album Blunberbuss is going by a sort of dark blue tint, blue/black/white scheme. In the video he is constantly shot in the blue tint whereas the girls are in colour, wonder what the symbolism of that is? The video is here by the way, if anyone wants to watch it :) xx
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