So I'm blogging when I should be at school today, as I have two free periods I'm home early! Lovely for a change, usually I'm getting up while its dark and coming home in the dark which isn't exactly fun city. Feeling a bit uninspired blogwise at the moment, and I've been wondering about something, I'm gonna throw this out there, what do other bloggers think of showing their faces on the blosphere?
I've cropped out my face on this blog mainly because my parents would probably kill me if I showed it; for starters my mum is under the impression that just Facebook allows people to hunt you down, and doesn't know I blog.
If I did show my face I'd be worried about my parents finding out, and or people I knew taking the piss, or just general safety; however I doubt many paedophiles and stalkerish people spend their time reading fashion blogs..
On the other hand I want to take better outfit posts and make my blog better, which I could do if I did show my face. Okay I'm going to stop rambling here, basically if you read this and have a blog, what do you feel about 'showing yourself' on your blog, if you do or don't? Also do your parents know you have a blog or not? Has showing your face affected you at all?
I'm interested to hear what peoples opinions are on this.
Well I'm off to watch gossip girl (and put off my Midsummer Night's Dream essay).