Monday, 28 December 2009

Thank you to everyone who left such lovely comments on my last post, which I probably shouldn't of posted as I was really upset at the time as you can see by the depressive post title haha. I'm moving house soon for a couple of months while everything is repaired/redecorated/rebuilt. The bright side of is that I've got a whole new load of clothes because mine all stink of smoke! So a lot of outfit posts coming up as soon as I find some batteries for my camera. Thanks again lovely people!

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Not so Merry Christmas

Just thought I'd let the people who read this know I'm not sure I'll be updating for a while or as frequently...I don't know whether I should write this here but:
My house caught fire today and the fire fighters managed to put it out but there's a ton of smoke damage and two rooms are pretty much destroyed. My Granny got both my dogs and the puppies out safely but sadly my cat Alfie ,who I've mentioned in previous posts, was sleeping on my brother's bed, and passed away in his sleep because of the smoke. I'm living with my grandparents for the timebeing while the damage is repaired so I dunno when or if I'll be posting.


Sunday, 20 December 2009

R.I.P Brittany Murphy


♥ My favourite manga ♥

Although I don't watch as much Anime as I used to, I read a lot of manga. This is the amount I have in my bookshelf, my friend doesn't actually have any books at all in hers its just all manga! I thought I'd show you guys my top 6, its all shojo (manga aimed at teenage girls, i.e comedy/romance/fantasy):

1) Absolute Boyfriend (Yuu Watase) - This manga is hilarious, its about a girl called Riiko Izawa who without realising orders a 'boyfriend' android and ends up being indebted to the mysterious company 'Kronos Heaven' who claim that she owes them a million Yen for selling her the android (who looks completely human). She also has to cope with the android, who she names Night Tenjo, who frequently removes all his clothes or exhibits superhuman powers in public.

2) Hot Gimmick (Miki Aihara) - This manga is about Hatsumi Narita, a passive sixteen-year-old girl who lives in a company housing complex that is ruled by the tyrannical Mrs. Tachibana, the wife of the company's vice president. How a family behaves in the housing complex can affect an employee's status in the company. When her younger sister Akane thinks she might be pregnant, Hatsumi gets talked into buying her a pregnancy test. Unfortunately, things don't go exactly as planned and Hatsumi is blackmailed by Ryoki Tachibana, the arrogant teenage son of the powerful Tachibana family who bullied her as a kid, into being his slave. This manga is mainly drama, and as you can see in the picture below I have all the volumes, its gripping!!

3) Tail of the Moon ( Rinko Ueda) - Historical comedy manga set in the tensho era in Japan (1580) about a girl called Usagi (which means rabbit in Japanese) , the granddaughter of a prestigious ninja (funnily enough Ninjas did exist but they were more Assassins) who can't pass her training class because she so clumsy. So her grandfather sends her to marry Lord Hanzo and bear his children but he has no interest in her at all.

4) Meru Puri (Matsuri Hino) - Doesn't have a great story line but the art is really pretty! This manga is about a girl called Airi Hoshina who is catapaulted accidentally into a stunning fairytale kingdom via her grandmother's pocket mirror. She falls in love with Prince Aram, who is in fact about 12 (this manga is quite wrong in many ways), but when he is plunged into darkness becomes an 18 year old; and only goes back to his actual form when he is given a kiss from his true love. By the same mangaka who did Vampire Knight.

5) Paradise Kiss (Ai Yazawa) - Amazing manga, and the anime is fantastic too. About a group of fashion students who approach a shy girl, Yukari, to be their model in their Fashion College's show. Yukari falls in love with the leader of the students, blue-haired and handsome George who is also an incredible haute couture fashion designer. There are also love triangles, lolitas and drama. I really recommend this!

6) Ouran High School Host Club - Comedy manga about a poor girl called Haruhi who wins a scholarship to an elite school, when she gets there she is mistaken for a boy by the School's host club, and they try to sign her up. When she attempts to leave she breaks a priceless vase and therefore is indebted to them and they make her join anyway. If you can't get hold of the manga then watch the anime on youtube, its very funny and the voice acting is great.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Je veux ton amour et je veux ton revanche

Sorry this is so late, I tried to put this up 3 days ago but blogger was messing up for me. Here are the photo shoot pics! There aren't many pics of my outfit without my coat on, I couldn't take it off for long because I didn't want to get pneumonia : / It actually started snowing very lightly for a bit today.

Dress ♥ Topshop ♥ Flats ♥ Topshop ♥ Necklace ♥ Urban Outfitters ♥ Beanie ♥ Accesorize ♥ Coat♥ Gap ♥ Scarf ♥ Friend's ♥ Gloves ♥ Old Navy
Haha why yes I do randomly jump up and down in woods, kinda wanted to make an animated gif out of these but I don't have an animation program; any suggestions?
Konad'd my nails..

Granny chic with my scarf..haha
I watched the Grinch at school before I broke up, and the little girl in it was played by Taylor Momsen (aka Jenny from Gossip Girl) when she was young, she was so cute! I also saw paranormal activity today, it was far more scary than I thought it looked from the trailer; I don't think I'll be sleeping soundly for a while!
♥ Arigato gozaimasu to Laura for taking and editing the photos!! ♥

Monday, 14 December 2009

Shiny shiny boots of leather

This is what I wore to a pre-christmas lunch with my cousins, kind of festive goth look seeing as I was all black but the necklace print on my dress makes up for the lack of Christmassy colours. Also today I finally got some combat boots! I wandered into New Look after school and found them for £30 which is waaay better than what I was going to spend getting them off Ebay. The photoshoot pics are ready so I'll be putting them up tommorow. I'm off to bottle feed the puppies, their eyes are starting to open..kawaii! ♥

My cousins got me this bracelet from an antique fair, and my friend 'Firestarter' made me these earrings for Christmas. Sorry about the terrible photo of the earrings, I'm having problems with my camera :(

This post is dedicated to my friend Lindy, hence the title hehe xx

Friday, 11 December 2009

I'm living in lucid dreams

Please follow my blog! Click the follow button in the sidebar :D
Do you like the new header? I think it was wise that I'm not still doing art haha...but I think my blog looks nice and Christmassy now! I've been playing around with the layout and decided to keep my pics small and neat, but if you have any other suggestions as to making the blog better leave it in the comments or do the poll to the right!! >>>>>

The outfit photos Laura took will be up very soon! So I bought a Konad Nail Art Set a while ago after seeing a tutorial for a gorgeous lace design on Lolita Charm, and in the photo shoot coming up my nails are done so I thought I'd give you guys a how to. I do pretty simple designs because I'm impatient and muck them up but its fun and easy to do. You can get starter sets if you do a simple search on Ebay for under £10. Might make a good Xmas pressie for someone!
First choose your nail base colour, and the colour your design will be using the Konad nail polishes. Make sure you use bold colours so the design stands out.

Paint your nails the base colour

Choose the design from your plates that you want to put on your nails.. Cover the design with your Konad nail polish
Gently scrape off the nail polish using the scraper
Roll the stamper gently over the design to pick it up

Roll the stamp over your nail in a gentle motion




Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Hello hello baby you called, I can't hear a thing

Sooo this is a random post just to update you guys until the photoshoot pics go up soon!! This is what I wore today, black New Look dress worn as a bandage skirt, purple handmedown jumper and Topshop flats.


My My dog eventually had her puppies on Saturday morning, and they are sooo sweet. At this stage they pretty much just eat, sleep and fall asleep while eating but they still look adorable! Their ears haven't flopped over yet so they look like little bats. When they open their eyes in a weeks time I'll post more pictures :)

The other day we bought these homemade cupcakes in hot drink flavours! The top row is Coffee, middle row Hot Chocolate and bottom row Earl Grey Tea. I hate coffee so I didn't try one but the hot choc ones were amazing, and the earl grey ones were too but didn't really taste of earl grey which is dissapointing seeing as I drink about 3 cups of the stuff each day.


Friday, 4 December 2009

Long time no post!

Mad puppy..

I feel really bad because I'd been on such a roll posting a new post at least every 3 days! I did a photo shoot with my friends in some woods yesterday, and so the photos will be up as soon as my friend Laura finishes editing them to make them more amazing! At the moment I'm being doggy Midwife as my dog Tiggy has gone into labour so I'm sitting in the kitchen just waiting!
I have two dogs and the other, Milly, is Tiggy's mother and soon to be grandmother! I thought I'd show you guys some photos of Milly's litter (which Tiggy was part of) about 3 years ago. The puppies are the cutest when they open their eyes and start running around!
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