Saturday, 25 August 2012

Set the cheetahs on the loose

Blouse - New Look - Choker - Ebay - Earrings - Ebay - Skirt - New Look - Flats - Topshop
My new 90s tattoo choker thingy
Hi guys, apologise for the shoddy lighting/cluttered background in this. My blogging productiveness tends to come around 11pm when there's no natural lighting (obvs) so have to result to camera flash and bedroom lights.

The title is from Pyramids by Frank Ocean, absolutely obsessed with that song. Tried listening to the rest of his album but only Pyramids I really liked, do you guys have any suggestions of his stuff to listen to?
It's only 3 weeks...wait no 20 days til I leave for university. Thanks to the marvel that is facebook I've already found 3 flatmates and some people on my course so I'm feeling less scared now I know sort of who I'll be living with. I'm feeling more excitement more than nerves at the minute. I've mentioned before that I live in the middle of nowhere (really, not exaggerating), so it's going to be a massive surge of independence being able to walk out of my accommodation and just catch a bus or go to the shops without driving for 20 minutes! Also as a country girl the absence of chickens/pigs/the smell of manure/tractors/SILENCE will be weird. You'll know I've cracked under the strains of living in the big smoke and am pining for the fyords countryside if my blog posts become solely consisting of pictures of livestock.


CathJones said...

Love the nails here, really cool.

Good luck in your move to uni, I loved decorating my room with individual bits and bobs, you'll have loads of fun!

Cath x

Paolina of Calur Villade said...

i love every inch of this outfit. from your hair to you nails. have fun in university, you'll have a ball!

Check me out!

Unknown said...

Wow your nails look awesome, I've never seen any like that! Good luck moving to uni - you'll get to know people so quickly and have the best time!

Kirsty x

thashiez said...

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