I've never dyed my hair before so this was a new experience for me..I wanted to go darker than my natural colour for a while now as I've had mid-tone mousey brown for 16 years and I'm bored of it! Yesterday I went a little happy with my paper scissors as well and I've given myself an interesting sort of cowlick-esque side fringe...hopefully it will grow out!

The photos above kind of give you an impression of what the sheen in like..but it came out a bit odd!
So anyway I decided why not make two changes to my hair? I bought Garnier HerbaShine in 415 Ice Mahogany Brown which is apparently has extracts of bamboo...which is known for its excellent hair colouring properties?! The box claims that it dyes your hair in 10 minutes, which I think is about right, I left in on for about 12 minutes and the colour has come out well. My hair is now the colour it was when wet before, dark brown but with a red/purple mahogany sheen in the light. It made my hair feel soft and silky, does the roots well and smells nice (possibly of bamboo, but I've never smelt it before!) The only bad thing about the dye is its quite pricey (£7) compared to other dyes, and as I don't have any greys to cover yet I'm not sure what its like from that point of view!

I'm on half term now (a weeks break from school) so expect more regular posts!
I really like it! :) <3
Oh it's a gorgeous colour!
the colours looks great :) i might try it out myself! xoxo
It looks lovely! It will be weird getting used to seeing you like that, but oh well. At least it didn't go a suspect shade of purple, hahaha ;)
Georgie! can't believe you died your hair - i'll have to see you soon just to have a look! :) hope your half term is going well
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