Friday, 25 January 2013

♥ I dyed my hair mermaid blue! ♥

Yesterday I decided to take the plunge and dye my whole head! When I had my hair cut recently I lost most of the dip dye and I didn't really feel myself without some colour in my hair. I was just going to dye the under section of my hair blue but I thought I might as well while I'm a teenager and at uni and meant to be doing cray things to my hair. My friend Rojan (her tumblr is here) bleached my hair for me, I'm SO grateful to her, I would've massively cocked it up if I'd tried to do it myself!!

I used 4 boxes of Schwarzkopf Live Colour XXL in Max Blonde to do my entire head. I thought I'd only need 2 boxes but underestimated how thick my hair is, and how much solution I'd need to fully take my hair from brunette to blonde.

I then washed my hair with a violet pigment silver shampoo to try and remove some of the yellow tones. However my hair was still very barbie yellow-blonde, I was going to stay blonde for a bit but I've got quite a ruddy complexion, and as you can see it really didn't suit me!!

Eyebrows: Barry M Kohl Pencil in no 19

I then diluted some Directions Atlantic Blue with a feckload of conditioner and smothered my head with it. Some of the dye wasn't mixed properly so some bits of my head are more green than blue but I don't really mind, sort of makes for a multi-tonal mermaidy effect. I'm going to a themed party as a water faerie/nymph on Saturday so my hair is now perfect for it ^ ^
Please excuse make-up less face and embarrassing freshers t-shirt in some of these photos haha. I've finished my exams now, so posting as normal! xx


Sasha said...

Wow! That's brave! I'be never dyied my whole head of hair, expecially to those kind of colors. So I amoire your brave decision and admit that you look cool! :)

Sammy Scribble said...

That colour is gorgeous, you look gorgeous
: ]

TAYLOR said...

Your hairs amazing, and I love your eyebrows! Haha x

CathJones said...

Wow this really suits you! The colour is gorgeous and I think it's good that its multi tonal or would look too flat.

We want to see your water faerie outfit next!

Cath x

Batty said...

I think you could of pulled off the bleached look :) I am loving the color, brows and waves!

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