Saturday, 12 May 2012

I'll wait on mountain tops in Paris cold

Hey guys! Sorry long time post, again. Howevs I have actually got of my arse and take an outfit post so that hopefully makes up for it.
Top - New Look - Leggings - Topshop - Shoes - Jeffrey Campbell
I handed in my notice at work, doing daytime babysitting instead; which will hopefully be slightly more fun than working in retail where I can actually feel my brain cells rotting, and people shout at me when I don't give them extra plastic bags -_- Also I got a helix piercing with my friend Lindy, so I know have 7 piercings in total.
(left moi, right Lindy)
Don't think I want any more, seven is my lucky number so may just leave it at that! I got it done at a proper tattoo/piercing parlour this time. Much nicer and less nerve wracking than Claire's where anyone who is in the shop gawps at you while you get pierced. Also picking up this cute deco hairbrush with the voucher they give you when you get your ears done at Claire's.
Also bought this cute double ring from Topshop. I think it's meant to go over your index finger and little finger but I am plagued with obese hands so it will only go on my last two fingers. Literally the bane of my life. My Granny also gave me a foundation and blusher she didn't want. The blusher is Laura Mercier so I was all DON'T MIND IF I DO. It's quite a deep raspberry colour with some glittery bits called 'city pink'. Requires quite a bit of blending so you don't look overly keen and red, but still pretty.
Spent the whole of today drafting posts, moar soonish. xx

1 comment

Anca said...

You look beautiful!! I especially love the way your leggings look with the shoes, so stunning!

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