Friday, 2 January 2015

A slight blog revamp and happy new new year! あけましておめでとう!| Chat

Omamori (Japanese amulet for luck) from Meiji jingu in Harajuku / Hello Kitty toshidama envelope (New Year's gift) from my friend's lovely family)

Happy new year/あけましておめでとうございます guys! I've done a little blog revamp, who can say no to glittery social media icons? I rung in the new year in a club in Tokyo, and then had a super quick turn around to spend the first day of the new year at my Japanese friend's house with her family eating delicious traditional Japanese foods for this time of year - best of both worlds! I hope everyone had a fab new year's eve and that 2015 is a good 'un. My new years resolutions include working on my confidence because, in the words of Ru Paul, 'if you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?'. Also I'm going to work my ass off to improve my Japanese. What are your resolutions? xx


Ana Luiza said...

I want to focus more on myself this year. I wanna read more, learn more, get to know new places and blog more hahah
Greeting from Brazil!

Josie said...

Love your glittery icons, looks fab!

Josie XOXO

Fashion Mumblr

Georgie said...

Haha I think blogging more is every blogger's resolution! xx

Georgie said...

Thanks! xx

melaniekay said...

These are really cute! Happy New Year!
Melanie @

Alice Young said...

You were in Tokyo for New Years, that's amazing!!!

The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

Georgie said...

Thanks! xx

Georgie said...

Haha thanks, deffo one of the best New Years I've had! xx

Annie L. said...

your blog looking good georgie :) love the sparkles and blings hehe. have a great 2015 love!

Georgie said...

Thank you! :) xx

Serene Kurd said...

Love your blog Georgie & I love the different social media icons, very sparkly :) Happy New year :) !!!

Serene xoxo

Georgie said...

Thank you! Happy new year to you too :) xx

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