Wednesday, 1 April 2015

FOTD #35 | Sakura eyeshadow look for enjoying the cherry blossom in Tokyo/ 花見メイク

MUA palette in Poptastic // MAC lipstick in Creme Cup


So where have I been? Well as I mentioned in my last post I was off to Thailand, and three days into my trip both my camera and phone got stolen (full moon party, was a bit drunk and should've been keeping a better eye out for pickpockets) - hence the lack of blogging! I then spent a bit of time without a phone, which was extremely traumatic for me and I will probably need counselling for the experience in later life. However, now all the various deities (my parents) have blessed me with an iPhone 6 which actually takes better quality photos than my previous camera did, so I'll now be taking blog pics with my phone til my travel insurance gets sorted.

After Thailand my parents visited me in Japan and we went to Hakone, Kyoto and Nara so I have pictures from all of those to blog about, look out for more travel posts! Anyways this is a look I did for doing hanami (flower viewing, i.e going to see the cherry blossom) yesterday with some friends. The sakura are only out for about a week and Tokyo is gloriously warm by British standards (only just April but able to go out with bare legs) so we went out to enjoy the views in the park. People often go in big groups and have a picnic and get drunk, but there are also lots of couples who go for hanami dates which I totally get as being surrounded by cherry blossom trees (and the falling petals) is uber romantic. Hope everyone is enjoying Spring wherever you are! xx


Winnie_dc said...

Ah your make up looks super pretty. Sorry to hear that about your phone/camera! On the plus side, at least you have a nice fancy iPhone 6 - I really want to upgrade but not sure whether to hold out until the next apple instalment! So lovely that your parents got to visit you. Is the sakura still about now? Lots of bloggers seem to be over there now visiting.

Colleen said...

I like that there's a name for looking at the cherry blossoms! They're so pretty! Sorry about your phone and camera :(


Nicole Ridley said...

That's terrible I'm sorry to hear that happened to you but yay for getting an iPhone 6!
Those trees are so beautiful!

Alexandra Dove said...

Sorry about your phone!
Your makeup looks perfect, and I'm so so jealous of your life in Japan. Literally biggest dream of my life to live in Tokyo. New follower :)


melaniekay said...

I love the pink! I'm sure Japan is getting so pretty with all of the blooms!
Melanie @

Georgie said...

Thank you! The sakura is still out but I think maybe for only another 5 days or so? It's very fleeting so the parks are all absolutely packed everyday with people trying to enjoy them! xx

Georgie said...

Ikr, we don't really have an equivalent for appreciating a seasonal flower in the UK! xx

Georgie said...

Thanks for your comment! xx

Georgie said...

Thank you! And if you want to live in Tokyo definitely look at doing a language course here for a few months or coming to teach, I think those are the easiest ways to move here quickly ^^ xx

Georgie said...

It really is gorgeous at the moment! xx

Sarah A said...

I love the makeup. Japan must look so nice right now. I really want to visit some day :)

Sarah |

Georgie said...

Thank you! xx

tia_cherie said...

So beautiful and it doesn't get much better than cherry blossoms.

Georgie said...

Thank you! xx

shete said...

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gelota said...

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