Thursday, 26 August 2010

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

Excuse the crappy post title, I am too tired to think of anything else! Here are some pictures I took on holiday by the sea, not that I could swim or sunbathe because I was holidaying in England, but still beautiful views and some interesting backdrops for outfit pictures!
Hehe a rather cheesy picture but I thought all the seagulls in the background made it very seaside-y
Top ♥ Topshop ♥ Shorts ♥ New Look ♥ Belt ♥ New Look ♥ Flip Flops ♥ Havaianas ♥ 
Bag ♥ PrimarkPhotobucket
And to finish a really creepy rock my friend and I found underneath the cliffs

I don't have much left of my summer holidays but I will be posting more regularly until I go back to school, I've got a lot of ideas for posts including a deco tutorial. I'm kinda nervous that it'll be my last year of school when I go back and I'm meant to be making lots of important life decisions. It looks like now I might take a gap year when I finish school and go travelling as I'm a bit of a Japanophile it would be worthwhile to actually visit Japan!



April said...

ooh i love your bag :D

Gillian said...

Lovely photos, looks like you had a great time! Your bag is so cute :)

stylenuggets said...

Great holiday photos. That rock is creepy !

noone said...

I love that purse of yours! and pretty pictures, the rocks and the water looks so peaceful

Joyti said...

O how lovely!
I'd really like to go to Toyko, just about as much as I'd like to visit Paris.

Winnie said...

Gorgeous pics. I'd love to visit Japan too...ahhh and I will one day, just don't know when!

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