Friday, 11 February 2011

Finally Friday #10

 Snazzy Ipod Touch case - Ebay

1) This is just an excuse to show off my new Hello Kitty Itouch case, its so shiny and its Hello Kitty! Of course I didn't deco this myself, I have made a case which I may show here but its pretty meh.
2) My favourite band, The White Stripes, broke up last Wednesday. I've loved them since I was about 13 and have all their albums bar two. Jack White still has two other bands (the Raconteurs and the Dead Weather) but it kills me I'll never see The White Stripes live! :( I'm going to do a White Stripes pic spam later this week, I miss them soooo.
3) In other music related shennanigans, Gaga's single off her new album (Born this way) came out today *fangirl squeeee* and I love it! It totally sums up what she stands for in championing anyone who has felt caged by society in whatever way. In fact we bloggers can take a lot of inspiration in being more adventureous with what we wear, so if you'll excuse me I'm off to whip up a dress from empty Tesco Danish Whirl boxes - toodles!



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