Tuesday, 24 December 2013

FOTD #21 | Lilac and silver winged eye make up

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Eyes: Sleek matte brights palette, Accessorize With Love palette, MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack
Lips: Topshop lipstick in the damned (sealed with Lipcote and a little faded after dinner)

Went out for dinner and drinks with friends last night and this is the look I did for it. I used sellotape as a guideline for the shadow, which I forgot how useful it is! As the purple isn't too harsh I didn't even bother blending the edges, as it wasn't going to result in a overly dramatic eye. I have got SO much use out of the Accessorize With Love palette, it's a palette with a slightly glittery sheen in black/gunmetal/holographic silver and white. Perfect going out shades! 

Today was spent having a cringey family photo shoot at a studio (the sort of ones with the white backgrounds where you are forced to do cheesy poses) and then I came home and played Heavenly Sword on the PS3 for about 4 fours so I'm all gamed out for today. I'm pretty excited for tomorrow, I have lots of family coming over tomorrow and I plan to overdose on roast potatoes. Hope everyone has a very happy christmas! xx

1 comment

Vanessa said...

Love your hair color...I like your blog.^^
Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
Let me know follow you then back.
Lovely greets Nessa

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