Wednesday, 8 January 2014

eBay silver stacking rings + crescent moon velvet choker ☾

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Choker £3.89 -HERE
Rings £1.69 for 4 - HERE

I picked up these two off eBay recently (well, the choker was from my bf for Christmas) and I'm so happy with them, I love it when you find gems on eBay. Especially cheap ones. You can choose the ring sizes too (I went for 14mm, have fat fingers), and you can specify the length of the velvet of the choker - sadly I forgot to measure my neck beforehand but I've popped a couple of stitches in the velvet at the back to make it tighter and it's fine. The quality of the moon charm is amazing too, been watching a lot of sailor moon recently to help my Japanese so this is Usagi inspired! Have you found any good things on eBay recently? xx

1 comment

Andra Dorolți said...

Love them!

it's true..ebay is full of great deals! I saw a backpack I want to buy for when I'm going on holidays...but I'm still thinking about it though :)

I bought some sale items from shops instead..

Have a happy new year! :)


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