Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Monochrome vines and flowers nail art | Nails



Used: Revlon White on White, Barry M nail art pen in black, Sally Hansen double duty base and top coat

Hey guys! Getting quite into doing nail art again now I've found a good topcoat. There's nothing more frustrating then spending an hour drawing tiny pictures on your nails for it then to chip 20 minutes later! Anyways I follow a crapload of nail artist's instagrams and I saw a picture of some dainty vines, and merged it with a white or black flower silhouette design I've done before, but switched the colours. I love having white nails, sadly this Revlon polish is quite difficult to apply, needs a couple of coats and a lot of work to make it not look patchy.

However it has the same level of colour finish and anti-chip so that's all that matters I guess. I did these nails while watching a documentary on Killer Whales and how they become aggressive in captivity and have killed/very nearly killed a scary number of trainers in parks like Sea World. But in the wild there are no reported cases of them being aggressive towards humans. It's a really interesting (also quite sad) documentary, if you're in the UK you can watch it on iPlayer here! xx


Emi ♡ 恵美 said...

So beautiful and elegant, the design is perfect for spring time ^^

恵美より ♥

Unknown said...

Errr, wow! You're so good at this, your nails look beautiful! I've watched Blackfish before, it's such a hard hitting documentary. #FreeTilly

Tara xo

Anonymous said...

Aww your nails look awesome, so darn creative! :D

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