Friday, 13 February 2015

Learn Japanese by watching Japanese beauty gurus on YouTube!

Hey guys! So obviously this isn't the only way to study Japanese but definitely a good way to supplement your learning. Just by subscribing to a couple of Japanese beauty gurus and watching their videos while I eat my dinner I get to practise my Japanese listening. You can also help yourself learn new vocab etc by looking up words or grammar points you don't understand.

1) Asahi Sasaki - I've been following this guru for a while, she used to have a previous channel where she did crazy avant-garde looks and still does them sometimes on her new channel. She's seriously talented at make up and pretty funny too. Definitely recommend subbing.

2) Kumamiki - I only discovered this girl recently but her channel is so cute! I want to find more Japanese YouTubers like her who are into alternative/harajuku styles so if you guys know any others let me know!

3) Choicerish - Another guru I subbed recently, really like the tutorial above especially.

4) Risa Sekine - This guru is particularly chatty so really good listening practise!

I've realised the usefulness of this recently when I find myself understanding without having to think really hard about the Japanese and translate it consciously in my head - small steps! Also quite a few of these gurus add English subtitles either occasionally or with every video so even if you aren't learning Japanese it's well worth subscribing to see their tutorials anyways ^^

Do you guys subscribe to any Japanese youtubers or other youtubers who speak the language you're learning? xx



Colleen said...

That's a great idea for practice! Of course, the only language I know other than English is Latin and you don't see people making Youtube videos with that that ;)


Serene Kurd said...

Ahhh, well I've always wanted to learn Some Japanese so maybe watching Beauty Vloggers talk it while they're showing us all the pretty makeup will help me pick up things quicker hehe!!! Great tips Georgie!

Serene xoxo

Georgie said...

You could totally be the first Latin speaking beauty guru!! xx

Georgie said...

Haha that's what I tell myself! xx

Cassandra Jane said...

Wow! That's pretty genius. I like watching foreign movies to get a feel for grammar, or even English movies w/ foreign subtitles, but this looks like a really good idea too!

Cassandra Jane said...

Oh my gosh, that would be so killer!

Georgie said...

Yeah even subtitles are good! Confirms language you already know and can teach you new vocab imo xx

Victoria Nightingale said...

I'm doing Japanese at uni and never thought of watching Japanese beauty youtubers! That's a really good idea :)

JasminCharlotte said...

Yeah that is a really good idea! It is best to emmerse yourself in the language as much as possible. For some reoson I never really think about what blogs and youtube is like in other languages! xx

Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

Georgie said...

I do think it helps a bit! Plus essential vocab too of course :p xx

Georgie said...

Thanks! I do see some french beauty bloggers around too but sadly my french is soo bad these days xx

melaniekay said...

Those nails are amazing!
Melanie @

Georgie said...

They are aren't they! I think they're pretty easy to do too :) xx

Winnie_dc said...

Great picks! I follow Choicerish already, her make up tutorials are lovely. I also follow quite a few Korean ones but also Cantonese ones (which I find nice to listen to as I speak it 'at home' but they make me feel a bit homesick sometimes!) I'm definitely going to check out these guys too!

Ana Luiza said...

This is so nice! Learning other language is not only about reading about its grammar or knowing how to spell words. I loved your suggestions.

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