Saturday, 20 February 2010

Gold lion's gonna tell me where the light is

Arghh sorry I haven't posted for so long, I've been sans camera thanks to the fact mine still takes AA batteries (which are so bloody expensive!!). I went back to school on Monday which sucks; I could've done with another week off! My outfits haven't been that exciting recently as its been raining/sleeting/hailing/snowing on and off constantly so I'm dressing to fend off the cold! I went shopping last Saturday and I bought a new school bag because my last one from Primark pretty much collapsed under the weight of my school folders. I saw this union jack print bag in New Look for £25 and I took it to the till, where the cashier got very confused when the bar code read the price as £12. Then my friend went to get the same bag but they'd quickly taken all the bags off the shelf as there was an error in the pricing, so I got £13 off a brand new bag - yay! I also bought some more earrings from Topshop which I love, I'm a sucker for anything floral. I'm thinking I might get my ears pierced again, just another two holes above my current ones so I can wear two pairs of earrings at a time.





I also salvaged this vintage scarf of my Granny's.


I've stuck the stickers I used on my phone everywhere :3


This is what I wore out, my topshop heart print tights, new denim skirt, gap coat, zara jumper and of course my combat boots. Sorry I don't have more outfit photos, when I was taking these last week my camera died straight after taking one photo - grrrrr.

To finish, this amazing clip from Lady GaGa's show in Manchester where she has a huge animatronic monster on stage while she sings Paparazzi. I'm insanely jealous of anyone who is seeing her perform!


P.S Please follow my blog with Google friend connect, just click 'follow' in the right hand side bar!


Kavita @ She Wears Fashion - UK style and fashion blog said...

I'm seeing Lady GaGa soon ;) and that bag is beautiful! xx

Iulia Romana said...

Oh god,I found UK's flag the best ! Love the bag :D

Vanilla said...

I love the topshop earrings, SO cute :)

Love vanilla


Ugh. Isn't weather such a pain?! Dressing for the snow drives me crazy at time.

I love the UK flag blag (haha, rhyme!) - the flag is so chic. So much nicer than, say, the Canadian flag! (Not to be unpatriotic!)

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Ariella said...

You look so cute with your bag and those heart tights!

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