Thursday, 22 July 2010


Hey guys! So I know I promised pictures of my new room but shelves still aren't put up, I still have to reorder my huge Monty Python and the Holy Grail film poster, my Warhol, Dali and Lichenstein art prints I used to have on my walls, my bathroom needs I think I'll wait till its finished and put up the pictures when its in its full glory!
For this post I'm going to shamelessly plug my friend Louise's homemade accessories company: PumpkinCasper. She handmakes jewellery using Indian glass beads, and kawaii food & sweets deco accessories using fimo clay; and the money she makes is going towards travelling during her gap year. I posted some of the pictures in my last post so you may recognise some of them:
The sweets deco are made from fimo clay which she hand makes and bakes. I've received some of the things she's made for birthday presents and they are very well made and unique. She ships internationally, and also takes requests if you want a certain colour theme in a bracelet or types of sweets on a hair slide; feel free to email her if you want to commission something or have any other queries:

The deco hair clips are under £3 including postage at the moment, quite frankly a bargain - so please check all her products out here!


Boo said...

Love the doughnut hairclips, very sweet!

Stevia said...

loving the food hairclip
it's amazing

the pancake hairclip is to die for
sooo cute! <3<3<3

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