Wednesday, 28 July 2010

So I'm on BBC 2 now, telling Terry Wogan how I made it...

The chickens following me and my brother around the garden
Haha this chicken did NOT like being picked up, when I put it down again it sat on the grass for a bit looking rather molested.
Hair flower ♥ Topshop ♥ Cardi ♥ Motel ♥ Top ♥ Topshop ♥ Skirt ♥ American Apparel ♥ Gladiator sandals ♥ Ebay
Argh you can kind of see in this photo I've gone sort of ginger after dyeing my hair a mahogany colour has faded! I'm going plum coloured next which should be VERY purple hehe.
I made a bit of money on Ebay so I went a bit crazy on New Look's website with my paypal account so I should be showing my new purchases on the blog soon. I'm going to the seaside for two weeks for a holiday soon, and I hopefully will blog from there if we have internet, I'm pretty excited I haven't been to a beach for a few years! Oh and I also have to say that my brother took these pictures for me, he was threatening to charge me 5p a photo taken unless I credited him..
P.S The title of this post is from the dark of the matinee by Franz Ferdinand I will not be appearing on bbc 2



AW THESE PHOTOS ARE SO FUN. Especially with your giant head piece! It's so adorable. And totally matches your surroundings. AW YEAH!

And hahahah. Oh golly, that title made me unnecessarily excited...

sallyannie☆ said...

I like your headband! And cardigan, it's very pretty :)

Gillian said...

These photos are lovely and summery, and I love your outfit! The cardigan is a gorgeous colour.
Hope you have lots of fun at the seaside!

Ariella said...

You look so sweet in your little outfit. I adore every little piece of it.

Winnie said...

Very cute outfit, I would totally wear it myself :)

Imogen said...

I love the colours of your outfit, they are just right together. I also like those american apparel skirts which I have seen around a few times. Your hair accessory is beautiful.

stylenuggets said...

Love the headband. And the chicken does look a bit miffed! Very cheerful, colourful pix

Insert Psuedonym said...

*No animals were harmed in this photoshoot*

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