Tuesday, 29 March 2011

I'm earthbound falling down

Listening to...Destroying Angel - IAMX

My friend kindly took these for me when I spent the day at hers last Saturday, and she has a much snazzier camera and photoshop so the photos look better than normal I think!

Top - New Look - Cardigan - New Look - Shorts - Topshop - Boots - Ebay - Necklace - Gift - Bow - Lou's

 And this is what my friend Lou wore, she got the dandelion blouse in a mahoosive Topshop sale order and I felt like Daisy in the Great Gatbsy crying over the pretty shirts when she was opening everything!! TT
 Also Spring has officially sprung, the cherry blossoms were all out!

I'm so busy at the moment, I have my A2 English coursework due for this Friday, then Sat morning I have a driving lesson (always stressful, I hate driving), need to pack for France, have a family lunch and then stay with my aunt and uncle before I fly on Sun morn for a week of trying to not let my little cousin fall off snowy cliffs and desperately try and remember some of my AS French to get around - arghh!!



Winnie said...

Really lovely photos! Your friend's blouse is gorgeous and you just reminded me that I should really get round to reading the Great Gatsby!

Anonymous said...

omg you rocked the look!

Imogen said...

Love the stripes and the red cardigan. I really have a love for red at the moment, Your hair looks really great here so thick and straight.

Amy Acorn said...

love the picture of you on the swing, you look very pretty! x

MJ said...

Love the tights - I really want some denim shorts like that, just need to get round to finding some!

Alexandra said...

I love your red cardigan, it really makes the outfit pop!

Love the print on Lou's blouse!

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