Thursday, 20 October 2011

Frankenstein Nails!

I received this cute little package this morning as I was on my way to my Japanese lesson...
Love the kawaii stickers

I won a set of nails from the lovely Marina at Forever the Ugly Duckling (go check out her blog, she has amazing nail art skillz) in her blog giveaway, first time I've ever won something in a giveaway so was very excited! 
I stuck the nails on with some blutack just to show you guys what they look like, but I'm going to put them on properly at halloween, I think they'll go nicely with my costume (I'm going as Magenta from Rocky Horror).

Will try and do an outfit post tomorrow, working quite a lot now so more monies to buy clothes yay!! xx


essie said...

they are so cute! x

♥Forever the ugly duckling ♥ said...

Yay they look great on you :) I will post this tomorrow on my blog linking back to yours :) xo

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