Friday, 14 October 2011

Tutorial: How to clean a foundation brush

Hey guys just a quickie tutorial that I thought I would show here, because it works so well! All you need is:

- A plastic bowl
- Washing up liquid
- Cooking oil
- Your dirty foundation brush
 Add two parts fairy liquid... one part cooking oil
 Mix it all up with your foundation brush
 You can see all the foundation being drawn out of the brush into the oil and fairy liquid
 Rinse and dry
 And voila, clean spangly foundation brush to be used with your fav foundation!

Sorry haven't posted more recently guys, busy with Japanese lessons, volunteering and starting work tomorrow - eek! xx


Anonymous said...

Great post, this will certainly help! :)

Emma x

Halloween GIVEAWAY!

Francesca Giusti said...

so interesting blog, I follow u!
pass to my blog and follow me too :D

Winnie said...

oh wow, that's a fab tutorial! I usually use a bit of shampoo and do something similar.

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