Sunday, 6 November 2011

Beauty Box

I was recently at my best friend's house, and when she did her make up she pulled out what looks like a giant DIY toolbox. But it was actually one of those giant make up cases that make up artists use...
I decided to get one myself from ebay here and I'm really pleased with it. Normally my make up storage looked like this:
Packed away in lots of different make up bags meant I had to rummage through everything to find the bag with eyeshadow or lipgloss in, but now everything is in one place!
Check out my craft skillz in creating a divider for the bottom section above, nothing sellotape and a bit of cardboard can't solve heh heh
This is my make up collection, not including my nail polish or everyday shiz, and I'm tempted now to buy another beauty box just to put my false eyelashes and make up palettes in as they didn't fit! I now can't decide whether I have way too much make up or not enough do you store your make up? xx

1 comment

Stephanie said...

Love your make up collection! I could do with getting a proper makeup box, it all looks so organised :) x

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