Tuesday, 8 November 2011

He can't rewrite the aggro of my furied heart

The first outfit post in an age, I think I was well on the way to solely becoming a beauty blogger! 
Aviator Jacket - Topshop via Ebay - Top - Primark - Leggings - Ebay - Boots - Ebay - Bag - Vintage
I love these leggings, I got them as a cheapo version of the Motel Jordan jean as frankly I don't have the money to buy them and I prefer leggings at the moment anyway! I wish I could get more use out of this bag too, but the strap is horrifically long (the bag comes down to my knees) and I can't see a way to permanently shorten the strap, at the moment I just knot it so it's shorter but it looks lumpy at stupid :/
In other news I got a weekend job in a family friend's vintage shop - by myself! So its just going to be me, in the shop, on my own *gulp* There's no till either (it's that much of a small shop) so I've had to dig out my calculator so I don't short change/massively over change people with my terrible mental maths! But I'm excited about what I should wear, the shop has a sort of pin up 50's imagery so I'm thinking red lippy, black eyeliner etc. Plus I'm being paid more than the pittance I get for temping - yay! xx


Unknown said...

i like your leggings ^^

Lydia Armstrong said...

I love the bag!

saya said...

i love your jacket!!!

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