Saturday 31 December 2011

2011 in a blog post

Now onto the second of obligatory December-time blog posts - the year round up. This year has been quite major for me changes wise, I finished my A Levels, left school, decided to take a gap year, got a place at university, got my first proper job, started to properly learn Japanese and met new people. I also dyed my hair lilac, went skiing for the the first time, went to Portugal for my first holiday sans famille, saw Dolphins for the first time, dressed up as a maid from Transsexual Transylvania and probably a lot more, but the vodka has made me forget a lot.
(I joke of course)

Blog wise I considered quitting a lot earlier in the year but I love it too much to quit, and now I'm actually feeling a lot happier about it! I was a pretty appalling blogger this year, I clicked my 'outfit' tag and I only did 20 outfit posts this entire year! What the devil was I doing all year? Probably watching true blood actually or procrastinating from exam revision. That means I only did an outfit post every 18 and a bit days, shoddy blogger much?! Anyhoo this is all the outfit posts of the year labouriously gridified by me using Excel and Paint...

Style wise I think I've definitely progressed throughout the year and I'm much better at wearing what suits my figure, and my hair and make up skillz are definitely a lot better now!

New Years Resolutions 2012

Blog resolutions
 – Blog at least twice a week, an outfit post once a week
- Comment on every blog you visit!
- Revamp blog layout once every 3 months
- Get a better camera
- Get photoshop and learn how to use it!
Style and Beauty resolutions 
-        Learn how to curl hair with tongs
-        Learn how to contour face
-        Stop caring what people think about what you wear!
-        Improve personal style
     Personal Resolutions
-        Be more confident
-        Save money
-        Travel a little
-        Become at least GCSE A grade standard in Japanese
-        Go see Gaga in concert
-        Go to a festival
-        Prepare for university
-        Give blood
-        Stop worrying!

What are your resolutions? Can't wait to continue reading everyone's blogs in the new year, hope everyone has a fabby 2012! xx


Imogen said...

Love your pleated skirt, so beautiful. Good luck with your resolutions. Many of them are similar to what I would like to achieve this year. Happy new year.

Ruth @ xruthloves said...

Wow, you've changed so much in one year! Love those striped jeans and the cross tee.

Definitely recommend Leeds Festival, and you HAVE to see Lady Gaga in concert - I queued 8 hours to get front row and believe me, it was entirely worth it.

Happy new year, love x

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