Sunday, 14 April 2013

University tip #2 Shampoo and Conditioner don't need to be expensive

Wanna know something? My shampoo and conditioner together costs less than £2. Before I came to uni all I used was Pantene which is about £8 for both shampoo and conditioner, but since dying my hair blue I have to buy dye as well so here are some cheaper alternatives I have discovered.
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I love the Alberto Balsam shampoos and conditioners. My favourite is the strawberries & cream flavour which smells exactly like that, so yummy. I find the shampoo lathers just as well as a more pricey brand like Pantene and my hair feels just as silky with the conditioner. I've also tried Lidl shampoo (shock horror) and found that worked fine as well.

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What you save:

Pantene Colour and smooth shampoo and conditioner: £4.69 + £4.69 = £9.38
Alberto Balsam Raspberry shampoo and conditioner: £1 + £1 = £2 (often 2 for £1.80 though)

So if you find yourself sticking to slightly expensive hair care products just because that's what you've always used, don't be afraid to try cheaper ones when you're on a student budget ^ ^

Also try...changing where you shop
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Over double the price for the same product - honestly Boots. Another tip: to keep your university house or flat smelling good try using fresh fragrances in the form of air freshener or by burning scented candles, especially in student kitchens! Want to see more university tip posts for students and those on a budget? Click 'uni' in the tags section in the sidebar :3 xx

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