Wednesday, 22 August 2012

5 awesome blogs | August

I thought I should do this to spread some blog love - I definitely spend more time reading others blogs than I do focusing on my own, and sometimes I find some really great blogs that should be shared more than me sticking them in my 'fav blogs' list. So here are my favourites to share with you this month!


Emmie over at Galaxy Girl has really cool half pink/half brunette hair (you're gonna see a pattern in this post in that all the bloggers have awesome hair). Her blog has massive focus on Japanese/London street style, and Kpop and things - generally the shiz I spend most of my time on the internets looking at. Also in contrast to the fashion blogger 'I take myself too seriously srs face' there is plenty of derping which is always good to find in a blog imo.



The first thing about this blog is that the layout is PERFECT. I'm weirdly obsessive over getting my blog layout perfect and Heather's blog has an amazing template and cute graphics. She also has awesome phoenix  hair and incred nail art skillz. Her blog is THE place for really easy and well explained DIY tutorials, and she also a fun youtuber to subscribe to.



This is such a pretty blog to look through. Charlotte does themed photo shoots for all her outfit posts with gorgeous photography. Her style and concepts have an adorable fairytale, vintage, girly vibe with a lot of Meadham Kirchhoff inspired shoots. Read for pastel goodness!



Another blogger with really fab hair! Hermione over at Lilla Rosa has really cute style, that kind of perfect mix of pastels and pink made effortlessly edgy (I hate that word) with skulls, spikes and studs. She also does some great thrifting haul posts which are amazing if you are like me and always nosey to see what people pick up!


I only came across Cath's blog recently but it's such a good read! It's one of those really great all rounder blogs with a mix of outfit, beauty posts and trend analysis. Her instagram posts are also always full of pretty pictures, so Square Marshmallow is definitely worth a read. Not to mention her blog name and mascot are too cute!

Clickety click the blog headers to check out the blogs! xx


CathJones said...

Thanks so much for mentioning my blog Georgie! It's only 4 months old, but I'm loving blogging and grateful that anyone is interested in reading it!

I've also been reading effiesmakeupbox for ages, she has got great style and layout.
I'll defo check out the other blogs too.

Cath x

Hermione said...

Thank you so much this made my day! There are some really lovely blogs here, too, I feel so honoured being mentioned next to them all!
:) xxx

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