Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Nailed It | Barry M Gelly + Confetti effect cupcake sprinkle mani

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Barry M Gelly in Dragon and Confetti effects in Bubblegum
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I am so enamoured with Barry M at the moment. The Gelly collection is amazing (and surprisingly chip resistant), and I picked up one of the confetti effect polishes the other day and they're just as good. Was expecting the confetti polish to be opaque from beauty blog swatches I'd seen but it acts more like a top coat (an interesting way to use it is just on top of bare nails). I paired it with the gelly polish in 'dragon' and it instantly reminded me of cupcake sprinkles. This mani also held up a 9-6 day childminding and only just began to gave way during scrabbling on the floor trying to pick up puzzle pieces. I have my eye on a vamp red they've just brought out too, maybe I need a white bikini to go with it a la del Rey? xx


Unknown said...

your nails look so pretty!!

The October Girl

The Style Rawr said...

Such a pretty combo, this makes me think of donuts with sprinkles! <3

Tara xo

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