Saturday, 31 August 2013

Our Velocity

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Top - Random shop in Manchester - Jeans - New Look - Boots - Office
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Necklace - Primark - Earrings - Primark - Ear Cuff - Topshop

Hi guys! I got back from a quick trip to Italy yesterday, went out there to help out the family I work for with their children for a few days. Even after just 4 days I am exhausted, and covered in mosquito bites (16 in total) and because I was waking up at 7am everyday at the same time as the kids my sleep pattern has adjusted and now I wake up at that time naturally. So annoying! Anyway, I threw this on just to do some errands in my local town; encountered soo many bad pensioner drivers on the way there and had to emergency stop for a Jack Russell merrily walking into the middle of the road, blood pressure = through the roof. Spending the rest of today finishing a Japanese presentation and then tomorrow I'm off to a village dogshow which should be a hoot xx


Anonymous said...

I love that top, I use to have one exactly like that & I got it from Boohoo, no idea where it is now though :(

Anonymous said...

Damn, you are super cute. I love all your jewellery!


Dayle Pereira said...

Loving the ear cuff!

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