Saturday, 23 November 2013

Vitamin C hair colour remover treatment - Before and After | Tutorial

Hi guys! So I mentioned before I made the mistake of not removing the green left in my hair before making the transition to lilac with blue ends. The fading process has left my hair looking like this:
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I also did my roots at the same time but made the mistake of not toning them after bleaching so the top of my head looks extremely patchy (and yes I know I need to do my roots again!)

I spent a while looking up the vitamin C hair dye remover treatment online and people seem to be raving about it, so I decided to give it a go. I used Michael James' tutorial HERE as he seemed to be the most informed on the subject out of the other tutorials I found.

You will need:

Vitamin C - you can buy it in tablet form and crush them up but I couldn't be bothered, so I got mine in powder on eBay HERE. The packet looks at bit scary but Ascorbic Acid is just the scientific name for Vitamin C.
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Cheap shampoo (preferably anti-dandruff shampoo), and a conditioner (doesn't have to be cheap, I am just a cheapskate)

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-Mix 25g of vitamin c (or you can do what I did and just chuck what looks like 25g in) to 40ml of shampoo, this is easiest to do in one of the mixing trays you get with hair dye
-In Michael James' video he applies to damp, post shampooed hair. I just applied it straight to my dry hair
-Lather thoroughly and make sure all of your hair is covered
-Pop a shower cap over the top
-Leave for as long as possible! An hour or more if possible. According to MJ x3 treatments of an hour or more each should get you the best results possible.
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First attempt:

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I left the mixture on for about 45 minutes as I was in a rush for uni. The first thing I noticed was that a lot of purple came out, whereas I hadn't noticed any colour running from my hair when washing it normally. You can see a tiny bit of difference around the roots where a lot of the pinkish purple ran out on right side of my parting.

2nd attempt

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I stupidly took these when it had got slightly darker so had to use flash a bit which doesn't give an accurate idea of the colour. Again more purple ran out in the shower but no major difference.

3rd attempt

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A little bit of purple ran out on my third attempt after leaving the mixture on for 2 hours, but not much. 


As my hair was very pastel to begin with, the treatment did not move much colour but it did help. I reckon if you had very vibrant hair (such as turquoise or a deep purple) the vitamin c treatment really would move a lot of colour. I ended up bleaching my entire head again as although some colour was lifted the light green was extremely stubborn.

Overall I reckon this would be an excellent alternative to using chemist hair colour removers as the vitamin c is not harmful to your hair. It feels a bit dry after washing out the mixture but after conditioning it was fine, and I found my hair was a lot more soft than normal (and also smelt quite nice, which you won't get from normal hair colour removers) and dried more straight for some reason. So yes if you go between vibrant hair colours I think this would be a good option!

Have you tried using vitamin c treatments on your hair to lift dye? Do you have any tips on how to remove dye from the hair? xx

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