So a lot of the time bloggers use their desks as backgrounds for blog post photos, and I always find it interesting as I think they give a lot of personality to photos. Also for the professional blogger it's also a workplace, I think they say a lot about the personality of the blogger! Anyways, I thought I'd share my blogging area. No glistening white surfaces or fresh peonies in a vase here, just my desk I've had for 10 years which is covered in stickers. However I do think my blogging space is quite colourful!
At the moment I'm thinking about things I want to get for my new room when we move house, definitely more fake flowers, I'm thinking fake rainbow coloured roses and taking inspo from my bestie and getting some faux vines to put around the room. Expect some home inspo posts soon! xx
What a lovely working space!
Thank you! ^^
Thank you! He is ridiculously fluffy :P xx
Thanks! He's the cutest :P xx
Your blogging space is so cool!! wow wish i had something like this in my room :( x lashingsofmascaraon.blogspot.ie
You should definitely do a post on what your blogging space is like :) xx
It was super cheap off ebay, definitely work a look for one! I'll check out your post too :)
Lovely deskspace! I love the eclectic decor!
Elesaurus | elesaurusrawr.blogspot.com
Such cute photographs! And I love your hair, too x
Thank you! :)
Thanks ^^
I love your Totoro, so cute!!! :)
Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches
Your desk space looks so cozy, you'd definitely want to sit there and blog! :)
Thank you :)
Thanks hun! :)
Thank you ^^
I love your blogging space! It so cute!
and oh my life that MUA palette, IT LOOKS AMAZING, is it any good? x
Great decoration ;)
fun space!
The cats are a picture by Tim Campbell, definitely worth a look up, and their colour isn't photoshopped either! xx
Thank you! I haven't actually tried the palette yet but it'll definitely have a blog review soon, I heard some of the shades were meant to be dupes for the new UD palette, may be wrong though! xx
Thanks! xx
I love your desk! And I can't wait for those home inspo posts!
Aww I love your Totoro and Hello Kitty stuff, are you learning Japanese (or Chinese) btw? I've studied Chinese and Japanese, and am planning to do Japanese and Korean at Uni. Just noticed all your characters around your desk :)
I love your blogging space! It's full of personality and cute things! Also is that Absolute Boyfriend mangas I see on your shelf :D ?
My blogging space is either my bed or the sofa. So professional haha
Thank you! Haha yes it is Absolute boyfriend, my guilty shojo manga pleasure :p
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