Thursday, 28 October 2010

How I do my nails ★ ☆

I quite often post pictures here of my nails with patterns/gems all over them, so I thought I'd show you guys how I do them myself (I've never had a manicure in my life).


I recommend No7 nail polishes from Boots if you can get hold of the £5 off No7 vouchers they are only £1.50 each, hence I have quite a lot as I keep being given vouchers by people who don't use them! Also of course Barry M for the sheer range of colour.


I also have a Konad starter set, I did a post on how to use Konad nail art nearly a year ago here. However it takes a lot of practise to get stamping the designs onto your nails right, and your creativity is limited to how many design plates you have, and the plates can be expensive to buy.


My nails using Konad stamps, looks a lot neater when done properly than drawing your designs on :3


The way I do my nails now is with these pen polishes I bought off Ebay here. They are such a good investment! They are £7.50 for 12 nail polishes, which double as a pen and a brush. The seller is in the UK but as far as I can tell the nail polishes are Korean from the characters on the bottom of each bottle. I was slightly wary they would dry up and the pen function wouldn't work due to the cheap price, but stuck to the bottom of each polish is a tiny sliver of metal which you can insert into the pen nib to unblock it if it ever does block. Then you can simply draw on any design you want!


I also use the white pen polish for instantly drawing on French manicure tips rather than having use guideline stickers from a set.

Other accessories I use are fimo clay canes and little diamantes which I also use for decoden:

Photobucket Photobucket

Both are off Ebay here and here.

So in summary if you love doing your nails I really recommend buying some pen nail polishes ^ ^




Emma Jade said...

Wow! you're fab at nail art! Love them!

Winnie said...

I never know what to do with those vouchers so I am definitely taking your advice and going for the no7 polishes next time! Loving the nail sets, I used to own a couple of bottles that looked like that when I was younger when Miss Selfridge used to sell polish (that's definitely going waaaay back now!)

Kristen said...

i'm super impressed! if i tried to do all that to my nails it would be such a disaster!

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